And he smote Moab, and measured them with a line, casting them down to the ground; even with two lines measured he to put to death, and with one full line to keep alive. 又攻打摩押人,使他们躺卧在地上,用绳量一量,量二绳的杀了,量一绳的存留。
You'll see the full command line used to invoke the JVM and the time the process was started. 您可以看到调用JVM使用的完整命令行和进程启动的时间。
The full line ( because matchlist() always returns the entire match as its first element) 完整的行(因为matchlist()通常返回所有匹配作为首个元素)
We have a full line of products with new fashion, complete function, rich in colors and friendly to environment. They are all choices in sanitary and showering equipment. 公司产品品种齐全,款式新颖,功能齐全,色彩丰富,环保健康,是卫浴洁具中之精品。
We also offer a full line of mutual fund products as well as money management and asset allocations programs. 我们还提供一系列的共同基金产品,以及资金管理和资产分配计划。
As a leading force in the industry, Rexton provides a full line of hearing instrument products to fit almost all types of hearing losses. 作为业内的领导力量,力斯顿对不同情况的听力损失提供了一系列的助听器产品。
By providing a full line of both custom and commercial chassis, E-ONE meets first responders'critical needs without sacrificing safety or quality. 通过提供一系列的定制和商业底盘,E-ONE满足第一出动人员的苛刻要求,而不牺牲安全性或质量。
When the solenoid is de-energised, the pilot orifice closes and full line pressure is applied to the top of the diaphragm through a bleed orifice. 当螺线管德通电,飞行员口关闭并全线压力作用于出血口通过对膜片的顶部。
The movie line is a full line. The line for the movie will be broad and have multiple scales. 写实电影线将是一条全方位线,有多种规格的玩具。
The main products are nickel-metal hydride and nickel cadmium column full line of rechargeable batteries. 主要产品有镍氢、镍镉柱式全系列充电电池。
It returns the full line that contains the search term. 它返回包含搜寻期限的完整的线。
The full line gives the shape of the surface at the instant show. Circles that can appear filled or empty ( on or off); use as indicators on a feature comparison chart. 实线表示某一瞬间液体表面的形状。可以显示实心或空心圆(表示开或关);用作功能比较图的指示符。
Watts is pleased to introduce our full line of temperature, pressure, and combination pressure/ temperature gauges and accessories for HVAC applications. 美国瓦茨在此介绍我们适用于暖通空调系统的全系列温度表、力表和压力/度组合表以及附件。
Using factory authorized replacement parts, American offers a full line of parts to retailers, professional plumbers and wholesalers worldwide. 美国人能够为全世界的零售商、业管道工和批发商提供品种齐全的经过工厂认可的替换配件。
Our company produces a full line of violin family instruments and their bows in different price ranges, copies of antique instruments, bows, as well as carbon fiber bow. 本公司成产规格齐全的高、中、低档提琴、琴弓、和仿古提琴、琴弓及碳素纤维琴弓。
From fossil fuel power generation to nuclear power plants, HOKE offers a full line of fluid process control components. 从化石燃料发电,核电厂,霍克提供了一个流动的过程控制元件全套生产线。
We manufacture a full line of material handling products and can design an ergonomic solution to your unique problem. 我们生产的产品,材料处理的全系列,可以设计一个符合人体工程学的解决方案,您的独特问题。
We have a full line of training materials available to you after sign up. 我们有全系列的培训材料,提供给您后注册。
We offer a full line of Chamber and Court automation tools to accomplish your needs. 我们提供全系列的会议厅和法院自动化工具来完成您的需要。
Pontiac will be reduced to just one or two models and essentially cease to exist as a full line. 庞蒂亚克将把规模精减至一到两个车型,甚至有可能会全部退市。
First, this thesis will study how to recognize the double full line. 本文首先对城市道路的双实线识别进行研究。
Analysis on the Behavior of a Full Line High Speed Protection With 11& 101 11与101构成全线速动保护动作行为分析
And then exploring the full line with international market Mind Liuhe Quan standardized training system. Third, With the development of Chinese socialist market economy and globalization, some foreign sports have taken the lead to promote the commercialization of the standard system. 进而探索完整符合国际市场的心意六合拳标准化训练体系。三、随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展,全球一体化。国外一些体育项目已经率先完成了商业化推广的标准体系。
In order to achieve full line high speed, current differential protection is widely used on the transmission line of high-voltage, super-voltage systems as main protection. 为了能实现输电线路的全线速动,电流差动保护作为主保护被广泛的应用于高压、超高压输电线路上。
On this basis, it builds the corresponding simulation mode through Matlab simulation software. Based on the simulation, it analyzes the effect of the distribution of the full line stray current and ground network parameters under the situation of operating multi-locomotive in a metro line. 在此基础上,利用Matlab仿真软件编程建立了相应的仿真模型,通过仿真对某地铁线路多列车运行时全线杂散电流等量的分布及地网参数的影响进行了分析。
Differential protection can remove the faults on the full line quickly, however, its synchronization is complex and expensive, which restrict the development of differential protection in distribution network. 差动保护可以实现故障线路零秒速断,且原理简单,不受电压互感器的影响,但由于其同步技术复杂、造价昂贵,限制了其在配网中的发展。
Full line of individual housing of non-performing loans rate lower than the warning level, mainly because of individual housing loans up to this larger denominator. 全行个人住房不良贷款率虽然低于警戒水平,主要是因为个人住房贷款余额这个分母上涨较大。
By summing up its own network management experience over the years, and with industry bodies to implement the findings of the network management platform based on the analysis, construction of a full line of unified network management platform. 通过总结多年来自身网络管理经验,以及对同行业机构实施网管平台调研结果的分析,建设了全行统一的网络管理平台。